
2021/2022: Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to School

We are excited to have our learners back in school. The teachers worked really hard to get the learning spaces ready click here to see on our Instagram handle. Before resumption, there were Meet and Greet as well as Club Fair sessions to get the students and parents acquainted with their classes and available clubs. Some of the clubs we have include: African Dance and Drama, Board Lords Club, Music Club, Culinary Haven, Centre Stage Club, Media Club: Photography, Videography and Storytelling.

The line-up of activities for the term is thrilling and we can’t wait to unfold them as time goes on. Yet to join this happy learning community, call 08106334006, 07065636067, or 08182643930. You can also send an email to info@startriteschools.com.ng (Early Years/Primary) or admin@startriteschools.com.ng (Secondary).

Connect with all our social media platforms by clicking on the social media platform: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Google Business, LinkedIn.

Welcome to Start-Rite Schools.

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