
Primary Spelling Bee Buzzes

Start-Rite Primary School held its Class Spelling Bee Competitions on Wednesday 26th June 2019. The competition took place in the classrooms and the atmosphere was ‘buzzing’!

The Early Years Reception class was not left out and they did their competition on Friday 28th June 2019 after several heats in the classroom, finalists competed in the Auditorium in front of their classmates.  Words that really challenged the contestants were Lettuce and Ambulance.

All of the participants worked incredibly hard to prepare themselves for this spelling challenge and every competitor should be proud of this achievement.   Students battled it out to become Spelling Bee Champion for their class correctly spelling words. After a number of nail-biting rounds, we finally had our Spelling Bee winners!

Spelling Bees help children improve their spelling, increase their vocabularies and develop correct English usage as well as being fun to do.

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