
Teachers Day Off

As a teacher, one of our jobs is to facilitate the involvement of parents in the classroom in their child’s education.

Start-Rite tries to encourage Parents to get involved when possible.  So on Friday 21st June, the Primary  School had a change of faces in the classes with Parents trading places with Teachers for the day.  Students were very excited to see Mums and Dads in the role of teachers and “prepared” for whatever was thrown their way.  This gave parents the opportunity to see the classroom from a teacher’s point of view and also share their own expertise and experiences with Pupils.

The Secondary School were not to be left out and they gave Teachers a day off by undertaking P2P teaching where students filled the role of teachers for the day. Teaching peers is a good way to develop mastery and helps students with confidence when public speaking and also supports the Speak2Lead programme.

The ‘teachers’ aka Students and Parents seemed to enjoy the challenge although most reported it to be exhausting. The students were also co-operative and played their part well being attentive and helpful in making things go smoothly. Teachers whilst on hand to ensure the ‘teachers’ were supported nonetheless enjoyed their day off and observing teaching from another angle. It was worthwhile learning and sharing exercise and also allowed Parents to be involved in their Children’s learning experiences as part of the family learning environment at Start-Rite Schools.

Teachers will be back on their seats on Monday for the start of Revision!

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